Lääne-Harju vallas, Harju-Risti chuchyard asub Vaikuse laste rahupaik. See on koht, mis on mõeldud peredele, kes on kogenud lapse surnultsündi või lapse kaotust vastsündinueas. Samuti pakub mälestuspaik tuge neile, kes leinavad oma looteeas ehk raseduse katkemise tõttu kaotatud last, kellel võib-olla hauda polegi.
Many parents do not feel comfortable with leaving the tiny, unpampered body of their baby in a strange and bleak cemetery. Many young parents do not yet have a family lot in any of the cemeteries, because their own death seems ages away. For those families, the sanctuary for children born silent offers a chance to bury their child’s ashes.
Rahupaigas ei ole ridamisi väikeseid hauaplatse, vaid üks maamulda ulatuv, vaskplaadi ja pisikeste jalajälgedega kaetud avaus ehk haud. Lapse matusel kallatakse tema tuhk sinna, kus on ees ootamas juba palud teised temasugused.
The initiative to create the sanctuary came from a family who found help in their sorrow from a similar sanctuary in Riga. The experience of many other countries shows that this kind of place provides support in grief. It is also helpful to know that you are not alone – that there are others who have felt this unbearable pain and yet found the strength to carry on.
Traditsiooniks on kujunenud, et kaks korda aastas – kevadel emadepäeva ja sügisel hingedepäeva paiku – saavad Vaikuse laste vanemad rahupaigas kokku. Üheskoos korrastatakse mälestuskivi ümbrust ning kõneldakse sellest, mis südamel. Rahupaiga valmimist on toetanud Pria Leader-meede, Eesti Kirikute Nõukogu, paljud eraisikud ja kogudused.
Burial in the sanctuary
For more information on the possibilities of burial in the sanctuary for children born silent, please contact Annika Laats, pastor of the Risti church by phone at 5564 9256 or by e-mail at annika.laats@eelk.ee.
According to the Cemetery Act, all funerals, including ash burials, must be registered in the cemetery.
If you want to bury the remains in another cemetery, contact the local pastor or cemetery. You can find contact information for cemeteries at www.kalmistud.ee.
Emad ja isad, kelle beebid puhkavad Vaikuse laste rahupaigas, on omavahel kokku leppinud rahupaiga kodukorra. Selle kohta saad more information here.
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