MTÜ Vaikuse Lapsed lugu

MTÜ Vaikuse Lapsed was founded in 2010 by Arita and Paul Featherstone, who, after the death of their little son Oliver, decided to establish a memorial and burial place for children who died during pregnancy or infancy in Estonia, following the example of some other countries.

Taoline paik oli sel ajal juba olemas Riias, kuhu Arita nüüdseks elama on asunud. Lõpuks jõudsid nad oma otsingutega Risti koguduse õpetaja Annika Laatsi juurde, kes võttis inglilaste rahupaiga rajamise Harju-Ristil asuva kiriku aeda oma südameasjaks. Pärast suurt tööd rahastuse leidmisel, rahupaiga kavandi ja tööde tellimisel sai Vaikuse laste rahupaik 2011. aasta juulikuus valmis. Rahupaika maetakse raseduse katkemise, raseduse katkestamise, surnultsünni või esimeste elupäevade vältel surnud lapsed.

After the sanctuary was established, Arita and Paul Featherstone and Evelin Niinemaa-Tamm who led the project handed over the management of the NGO to Juta Palmer and Katrin Ritso who have been managing the activities of the NGO for some time. As the pastor of the Risti parish, Annika Laats still offers support to grieving families and carries out funeral and memorial services in the sanctuary.

Vahemikus 2021-2023 olid MTÜ juhatuse liikmeteks Triinu Tints, Kristina Marfeldt ja Ave Liiv.
Alates 2024 on MTÜ juhatuse liikmeteks Anna Lihodedova (esinaine), Kristina Marfeldt ja Hilly-Helena Tammessaar.


  • 2011. aastal valmis Vaikuse laste rahupaik – mälestus- ja matmispaik raseduse ajal või imikueas lapse kaotust kogenud peredele. 
  • Since 2015, the NGO has been organising workshops in which participants make memorial boxes. Maternity hospitals can give a memorial box to families who have lost a child.
  • Since 2016, the NGO has organised training sessions for the staff of Estonian hospitals to inform them about the needs of families who have lost a child and the possibilities to support them.
  • In 2016, with the support of the National Foundation of Civil Society and the Ministry of the Interior, the information material Children Born Silent. Information Material For a Family That Has Lost a Child and Guidance on Procedures After the Loss of a Child were published.
  • 2021. aastal rahastas Sihtasutus Kodanikuühiskonna Sihtkapital vabaühenduste arenguhüppe taotlusvooru raames MTÜ Vaikuse Lapsed projekti “Lapse kaotanud perede tugivõrgustiku arendamine” summas 24848,0 eurot.

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